Final Thoughts from Chair Nancy Tung
November 4, 2024
Fellow Democrats,
“This is the most important election of our lifetime…”
This phrase has been used often by many politicians over the last two centuries to get voters out to the ballot box. In many ways, the reason this phrase continues to persist is because it is absolutely true. Our presidential election will determine if we have a leader that believes in the rule of law or one that believes he is above the law. It will determine if we have a leader who believes a woman should be the one making choices about her own body or one that will send us into a world where young girls have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers. It will determine if we will stand for democracy on the world stage or if the United States will fall in line with fascists and dictators. As our country teeters between electing an extraordinary leader as our first woman President and a candidate who threatens the very existence of our Democracy, let me say without any hesitation - this is the most important election of our lifetime.
The national election is not the only thing at stake on the ballot. We have a chance to fundamentally change the trajectory of San Francisco by electing Democrats that will bring common sense and data-driven solutions to City Hall and passing ballot propositions that will enhance the lives of all San Franciscans. Back in March, you elected a new group of Democrats to lead the party, a majority of whom ran on a slate of change in local politics. This new majority has expressed in no uncertain terms that San Francisco Democrats believe in public safety, quality public education, supporting small businesses, and building more housing across all levels of affordability. This is reflected in our endorsements, which you can find here.
What we do in San Francisco has always been seen as the leading edge of liberalism, so what we do to shape the future of our City matters not just here, but across the nation. Just look at the incredible leaders that have been forged from the fire of San Francisco politics, including our very own Kamala Harris. I am so proud to be a San Francisco Democrat. I hope you are, too.
In solidarity,
Nancy Tung