Volunteering at SF Democrats Headquarters

Join us in reminding Democrats to vote! We are contacting battleground states to support Kamala Harris, voters in swing counties in California to take back the House, and local Democrats in San Francisco to tell them about our endorsed candidates and issues.


Phone Banking

We have phone banks scheduled every day. Join fellow San Francisco Democrats and Speaker Emerita Pelosi in helping to take back the House. You just need to bring your phone, a laptop or a tablet would also be good, but not needed.

We also will have some occasional phone banks and call opportunities for the local candidates and measures endorsed by the San Francisco Democratic Party. 

Your calls will make a difference this election!

Sign-up here: Phone Banking Shifts

Helping out with HQ Operations

Be the first smile that other volunteers see, help check-in volunteers arriving for their shift, organize the space, coach phone banking volunteers and support the events that are at HQ.

Sign-up here: HQ Volunteering

Letter Writing

Want to the help get out the vote this fall? Help us write letters urging people to make sure their voice is heard this fall. We are partnering with Vote Forward to send hundreds of letters to voters in swing states in October. We have the letters, pens, and envelopes. All you need is decent penmanship and some time to volunteer.

This is a walk-in activity for anyone to participate in.

Door Knocking

The best way to talk to voters is face to face. SF Dems will be organizing weekend rides to nearby congressional districts that need help electing a Democrat into Congress. Or stay in the City and join one of our endorsed candidates to get their name out there and connect with voters.


In the age of social media, smartphones, and people on the go, a simple text can go a long way. You will be able to connect with more people with short and quick messages and remind them of the upcoming election and ask them if they have a plan to vote. 

(Not yet doing)